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The way of the LORD is strength for the upright, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity. Proverbs 10:29

Ceramics Literature

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Shipping & handling charges for literature on this page is based on the total cost of the literature:
$11.00 shipping for up to $23
and $19 shipping for over $23

Book Name Description Price /
Beautiful Butterflies
by Dan Nelson

One of the most natural and beautifulshapes available for use in ceramic work is the butterfly. Found in a variety of shapes and sizes, butterflies offer the full range in the color spectrum for design using any media. Because of this natural beauty, you may paint them realistically or choose your own colors. Either way, results are interestingly colorful and offer endless variety.

This design book enables you to take advantage of this natural beauty and also employ your own imagination. A special how-to-do-it section starts with basic geometric designs and illustrates the step-by-step procedure to follow in painting or drawing butterflies freehand. Each of the butterflies have color suggestions to follow if you want them to appear similar to their natural colors.

16 pgs, illus. patterns

S.R.P. $5.95
A Business in Dolls
by Rolf Ericson

Table of Contents

This book outlines the business aspects of setting up a profitable home-based studio teaching porcelain dollmaking. If you have an interest in porcelain dollmaking and in turning your interest into a profitable business this book may be for you. Discover the attraction of this fascinating hobby and craft field. Learn how to plan, start, build, promote, operate, and control your own home-based doll business. Find out about the pitfalls and how to avoid them. Read why hundreds of businesses have started in this field.

Rolf Ericson is CEO and owner of Seeley's and executive director of The Doll Artisans Guild.

93 pgs, illus.

S.R.P. $14.95
Ceramics with an Old World Flavor
by Carlena Candray


Table of Contents

This book is unique in its scope because every article is a combination of ceramics and unusual materials used to create single pieces of art. In simple and concise terms, it provides basic "How to do it" guidance on the decorating method of every art form. Each article has been carefully selected to be used with different designs.

Este libro es único en su campo pues cada uno de los artículos son una combinación de cerámica y de los diferentes materiales usados para crear piezas singulares de arte. En términos simples y concisos, he dado instrucciones básicas de "How to Do It" en sus métodos de decoración. Cada artículo ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado para ser usado con los diferentes diseños.

56 pgs, color illus., pullout patterns

S.R.P. $10.95
Crafting on Ceramic Bisque
by David Taber

Table of Contents

Crafting on Ceramic Bisque provides a dozen techniques that will interest both ceramic and craft enthusiasts. Learn to create wonderful art by applying crafting products such as hot glue, fabric paint, foil, beads and fabric stiffener to an assortment of ceramic bisque. Add your own variations in terms of color and form to create personalized ceramic pieces you'll treasure for years to come.

33 pgs, color illus.

S.R.P. $6.95
Indian Art Designs
by Jeanne Pickett

This book has no text. Rather, it is made up of authentic line art drawings found on actual objects common to Indians of the American Southwest. These line drawings may be traced or copied onto bisque or wood to be painted. Indications are made on the drawings where stones were placed in the actual objects.

32 pgs, illus. patterns

S.R.P. $6.95
Indian Carving
by Art Tequaecshe

Art Tequaecshe teaches you how to carve various Indian designs and symbols on ceramic pieces. He includes a multitude of Indian patterns that you can use. He explains what the various symbols mean and takes you step-by-step through the carving process.

48 pgs, color illus., patterns

S.R.P. $7.95
Judging Dolls
by Mildred Seeley

Learn how to judge from the renowned antique doll collector, author, and expert Mildred Seeley. Mildred discusses everything you'll need to know about judging dolls at exhibitions as well as for your personal collection.
    Here's just a sampling of what you'l get:
  • Buying dolls at auctions
  • What it takes to be a blue ribbon winner
  • How to judge antique, reproduction, and artist dolls
  • Selecting dolls for investment
  • Apraising dolls
Judging Dolls is Mildred's labor of love compiled through her years of research and experience. Her unique judging theory, the "Seeley Educational Doll Judging System", is presented in an easy-to-read format complete with doll judging forms, judging exercises, and examples of how to run your own doll judging event. Also included are many exquisite color photos from Mildred's world renowned antique doll collection.

166 pgs, color photos.

S.R.P. $31.95
Magical Mushrooms
by Jean Streinz
and Dan Nelson

This book has many popular mushroom shapes as well as some that are unusual. By no means a complete book of mushrooms, the design patterns in this book provide you with an endless variety of colorful possibilities. You may use them as single subjects in your projects or employ some of the complete scene designs for an entire piece.

20 pgs, illus. patterns

S.R.P. $4.00
Mold Making for
the Original Doll
The BlueFrogg Method

by Ralph & Mary Gonzales

Table of Contents

This book provides a hands-on step by step instruction in the secrets of mold making. Covers every aspect of this craft, from the simple two part mold to advanced techniques of the four part mold, mold reproduction, and modification of molds. Excellent, detailed, complete presentation. A valuable tool for both new and experienced doll artists. You may apply the techniques described in this book to make just about any type of ceramic mold, not just dolls. This book is a good companion to its sister book, Sculpting the Original Doll by the same authors.

192 pgs, 400 b/w photos, illus.

S.R.P. $24.95
Porcelain Dollmaking ABC
by Clarice Aldridge

Table of Contents

This book, written by award winning doll artist, Clarice Aldridge, takes you step-by-step from start to finish of a porcelain doll. On the way, you learn all the basics and the finer points. You will also find out some of the fascinating history of porcelain dolls from their beginnings more than a century ago, and can study some of the all-time favorite German and French dolls that fetch very high prices from the collectors today.

44 pgs, illus.

S.R.P. $13.95
Porcelana Elaboración
de Muñecos

Debra Anderson y Peter Bell

Tabla de Contenido

(This book is in Spanish) (Este libro es en Español)

Este libro ha sido escrito para satisfacer las necesidades expresadas por nuestros amogos y clientes a través de E.E.U.U., y del mundo. Nuestro anterior libro sobre el tema, Reprocucción de Muñecos Antiguos, vendió miles de copias y fue extremadamente bien recibido, pero ya está fuera de circulación. La Elaboración de Muñecos de Porcelana, actualiza nuestro anterior libro e incorpora otras maneras. Incorpora un método paso a paso, utilizando muchas fotografías que muestran una gran variedad de temas en la elaboración de muñecos. Es perfecto tanto para estudiantes principiantes como intermedios, y proporcionará una referencia inmediata para el elaborador de nuñecos con experiencia. Es la culminación de años de experiencia en el negocio de suministros para nuñecos. La Elaboración de Muñecos de Porcelana, proporciona una buena base para los elaboradores de muñecos que desean perfeccionar sus habilidades en la producción de nuñecos tanto antiguos como modernos.

38 pgs, color

S.R.P. $13.95
Fun Sculpture
by Mary McCarty

Mary McCarty teaches you how to sculpt charicatures of people. Caricatures make a wonderful introduction to modelling the human figure. Because caricatures are exaggerations of life, you don't have to be so concerned with the exact proportions of the human figure. The exaggeration and cartoon quality of the little figures is really what makes creating them so much fun.

Mary starts off by describing how to sculpt all of the body parts. Then she follows with step-by-step individual projects demonstrating sculpting techniques.
The projects include:
  • The Swiss Mountain Climber
  • The Musician
  • Nap Time
  • The Gossips
       (featured on the front cover)
  • Saturday Night Bath
  • The Pirate
  • The Haircut
  • Lunch with Friends
  • California Santa
  • The Old Washer Woman
  • Whistling Sam Sheriff
  • 48 pgs, color photos

    S.R.P. $5.95
    Sculpting Little People
    Volume I - Grandma & Grandpa

    by Faith Wick
    and Rolf Ericson

    Table of Contents

    This is Faith Wick's guide to basic sculpting techniques of people. In particular, this volume covers making a grandma and grandpa. There are two main sections in this book. The first one deals with the techniques of sculpting the heads, hands and boots. The second one shows how to paint the sculptures to add life to them.

    49 pgs, illus.

    S.R.P. $7.95
    Sculpting Little People
    Volume II - The Younger Generations

    by Faith Wick
    and Rolf Ericson

    Table of Contents

    This is a continuation of Faith Wick's guide to basic sculpting techniques of people. In particular, this volume covers sculpting babies, children and young adults. By sculpting many heads you will add to your overall knowledge of how faces individualize the sculptures. This book also goes into more detail on china painting. This volume also covers how to make molds, an important issue which was not covered in volume I.

    80 pgs, illus.

    S.R.P. $10.95
    Sculpting the Original Doll
    The BlueFrogg Method

    by Ralph & Mary Gonzales

    Table of Contents

    This book provides a hands-on sculpting process in the classic European method of doll making. The book directs you through the process from raw clay to mold-ready sculptures. It tells you how to develop eyes, nose, mouth and ears and presents an expanded treatment of hands and feet using a new step-by-step foolproof formula. It also discusses alternative sculpting materials, marketing and resources. This book is very sympathetic to the new artist and offers many suggestions for avoiding the common mistakes many new artists might make. This is one of the largest books we have on doll making. This book is a good companion to its sister book, Mold Making for the Original Doll by the same authors.

    192 pgs, 400 b/w photos, illus.

    S.R.P. $24.95
    Selecting, Firing
    & Maintaining
    an Electric Kiln

    by Michael Harbridge

    Table of Contents

    If you are thinking about buying a kiln or already have one and want to know how to operate it, this is the book for you. It is a small book, being only 14 pages long, but it covers everything you need to know in the selection of a kiln, how to fire various ceramic items, and how to keep your kiln properly adjusted and maintained. A list of kiln manufacturers is included, though some are out of business or have different phone numbers. You can look up the current manufacturers' numbers on the web if you are interested.

    Note that you can get a 20% discount off the retail price of Evenheat, Good, and Paragon kilns from us. See our Kilns Page.

    14 pgs, color illus.

    S.R.P. $4.95
    Shipping & handling charges for literature on this page is based on the total cost of the literature:
    $11.00 shipping for up to $23
    and $19 shipping for over $23

    © 2006-2024 Indiana Ceramic Supply, Inc.

    This page last updated on 08/23/2024